Normal Service Will Resume…

So look, we’re closing the doors tonight at 10pm and we’ll remain closed for the foreseeable.

It sucks, though we haven’t had any clear direction from the government we feel that it doesn’t sit right that we remain open for both customers & staff alike.

It’s almost five years since we opened our doors at The DB and for those of you that know us, know we certainly don’t do this lightly. We’ll be open again as soon as it’s safe, keep an eye out for that bat signal!

In the meantime the DB Bottle Shop on Court Street remains open and delivering – our new Shopify site will be up and running over the weekend. Craft beer, Cider, Japanese Whisky & Artisan spirits – y’know the important stuff!

Thanks for all your kind messages, support and love.


Please don’t loot us it’s probably not covered under the insurance either.